Stevko Busch

Pianist & composer, organisor, 1966 Langefeld Germany. 


Stefan ‘Stevko’ Busch (1966) – raised in the Rhineland, is currently living in the Netherlands, where he completed his studies at the Sweelinck Conservatorium Amsterdam in 1995. Since then, he has played in Contraband under the direction of Willem van Manen, as part of a duet with Misha Mengelberg, in various projects run by the Herne-born bass clarinettist Eckard Koltermann, in Bigtet Tetzepi and a duet with Paul Hubweber. With his electronic trio Box of Toads, he received the JazzArt award in 2001. Busch has played in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Denmark and France, including the MoersFestival and the Berlin Jazzfest.


Since 1995, Stevko Busch has formed a duet with the award-winning Dutch alt saxophonist Paul van Kemenade, with whom he released versions of Russian orthodox chants on the CD Contemplation in April 2010. He also plays in the Eckard Koltermann quartet, in addition to the German-Dutch project Borderhopping, which he initiated. In his recent quartet FUGARA with Paul van Kemenade, Markus Stockhausen en Markku Ounaskari his music comes out in the purest form. His music spans a wide range of freely improvised music, compositions – sometimes with echoes of chamber music – and instrumental tunes.


Since November 2006 he has been active as curator for the informal concert series of composed and improvised piano music Pianolab. Amsterdam at the Goethe-Institut (Amsterdam), where he regularly plays with renowned musicians. And in November 2006, he became father to a daughter, who continues to remind him of the important things in life.


He composes music for contemporary ensembles, in addition to film soundtracks. His spatial sound composition Europealis was played at various locations, including the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam and the Cologne Galleries. In his workshops and courses, which are also held at the Conservatorium in Arnhem, he introduces classical musicians to an infinite range of contemporary improvisational techniques. After working with Busch, the contemporary chamber trio KAIDA received special awards for improvisation during the Gaudeamus Concours 2003 and the Illzach Chamber Music Festival.


Duet with Paul van Kemenade, “On Songs, Russian Chants, Miniatures”

FUGARA – with Paul van Kemenade, Markus Stockhausen, Markku Ounaskari

Quartet with Radek Stawarz, Tom Arthurs, Ingrid Laubrock


played with: Misha Mengelberg, Contraband by Willem van Manen, Tatsuya Nakatani, Wilbert de Joode, Michael Moore, Michael Vatcher, Wolter Wierbos, Joost Buis, Gunda Gottschalk, Peter Jaquemyn, Cor Fuhler, Rozalie Hirs, Tobias Klein, Tetzepi, John Dikeman, Arnold Dooyeweerd, Lothar Ohlmeier, Paul Hubweber, Box Of Toads with Norbert Scholly and Kai Wolff, Alfred Zimmerlin a.o.