A busy new season this year…33 performances (6+ kids) with Busch-Van Kemenade & Dance company De Stilte Breda (december 2018-june 2019)…A Russian tour (12 concerts) duo Maria Portugal-Van Kemenade & Paul van Kemenade’s ‘classic ‘Quintet (november 2018)…The 26 th festival Stranger than Paranoia (december 2018)…A new cd Van Kemenade in totally different settings (december 2018) …The ZNWO Zuid Nederlands Workshop Orkest 2.0 ( for young musicians between 15-25 year young) from september 2018 till january 2019…A new tour and new cd with Anderson-Bennink-Glerum-Van Kemenade (may/june 2019)…A new South African-Dutch collaboration with a.o. Mandla Mlangeni, Louis Moholo (october 2019)…And a big international co-operation between seven countries (Poland-Ukrain-Slovakia-Israel-Italy-Moldova-Netherlands) is in progress….and more to come…see the agenda and news…