# Jasper Van ’t Hof-Paul Van Kemenade

Jasper Van ’t Hof pi/keys/pc sampling, Paul Van Kemenade – altosax. cd: Daytime Sketches (2017), cd: Stranger than Paranoia (2018).   


A new great duo with two Dutch topmusiciens working together.  The worldwide respected  and famous pianist/ keyboardist Jasper Van ’t Hof (1947) who did play with Toto Blanke, George Gruntz, Archie Shepp, Charlie Mariano, Bob Malach, Manfred Schoof, Philip Catherine and many others. He is founder of the very well-known group Pili  Pili and received the Bird Award in 1997 and the Boy Edgar Award in 2018.


Altoist Paul Van Kemenade (1957) is known for his collaborations with diverse musical disciplines and cultures ( South-West Africa). He played with Ray Anderson, David Murray, Han Bennink,Markus Stockhausen, the Metropole Orchestra, Jorge Pardo, Jamaaladeen Tacuma and many others. Recieved the Boy Edgar Award in 1999, a Royal decoration in 2007 and Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Prijs of province Noord-Brabant in 2020.




February 2020 Theatre De Slinger Houten (Netherlands)


February 2020 Theatre De Slinger Houten (Netherlands)



Downtown Music Gallery (US) ‘Will the world of wonders ever cease to exist?!? Certainly not here’


****NRC (NL) ‘fantastic album, musicians reach great heights’.


Jazzsquad (RU) ‘Frankly, I did not find any songs on the album that I did not want to hear again.’


Jazzflits (NL) ‘…lyrical playing combines ‘power’ with melancholy and poetry.’


VPRO Vrije Geluiden (NL)  ‘Highly recommended.’


Een duo van twee titanen: de alom geprezen pianist/keyboardist en electronica pionier Jasper van ’t Hof (1947)  die speelde met wereldmusici zoals Toto Blanke, George Gruntz, Archie Shepp, Charlie Mariano, Bob Malach, Manfred Schoof, Philip Catherine e.v.a. Hij is oprichter van de bekende groep Pili Pili en won de Bird Award in 1997.


Altist Paul van Kemenade (1957) staat bekend om zijn samenwerkingen met zeer uiteenlopende muziekdisciplines en culturen (o.a. Zuid-Afrika). Hij speelde met vele musici als Ray Anderson, David Murray, Markus Stockhausen, Kenny Wheeler, Metropole Orchestra, Cappella Pratensis, Jorge Pardo, Jamaaladeen Tacuma e.v.a. Hij ontving de Boy Edgar Prijs en een koninklijke onderscheiding, vierde in 2017 zijn 40 jarige muzikantenjubileum en het 25 jarig bestaan van ‘zijn’ festival Stranger than Paranoia.