Let us know if you have any suggestions for interesting links.
Mail them to: quintet@paulvankemenade.nl
- www.paradoxtilburg.nl one of the oldest jazzclubs in the Netherlands
- www.brameigemanmuziek.nl the best sax repairman in the Netherlands and around
- www.concertzender.nl radiostation with all kinds of musical styles
- www.ejn.it the European Jazznetwork
- www.jazzenzo.nl jazznews and reviews
- www.galleryoftones.com bookings in co-production with Van Kemenade for Duo Busch – Van Kemenade, Fugara, etc
- www.hetbrabantsjazzorkest.nl
- www.jazz.startpagina.be
- www.draaiomjeoren.nl jazznews and reviews
- www.bimhuis.nl
- www.entertainment-info.nl