The Podium started in 1985 when Jan Kuiper got the Podium Prijs in that year. He invited the former awardwinners Wierbos and Van Kemenade and the unorthodox setting of trombone – altosax – guitar was born. From that time on, they did play hundreds of (inter)national concerts. In the 90’s the Podium Trio were joined lots of times by Jamaaladeen Tacuma and Cornell Rochester and performed reguarly with guests such as David Murray, George Lewis, Kelvyn Bell a.o. Now the Podium Trio have their 30-year anniversary and the ‘Boys of Pearl’ celebrate this in march 2016 with US legends bassist Jamaaladeen Tacuma & drummer Cornell Rochester (US). Also on some occasions there will be Tineke Postma (Boy Edgar winner 2016), Saskia Laroo and Camila Costa. Bookings and info contact the office.